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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Aimi the Traveller

I'm an engineer. I travel a lot, but hardly put the details in writing. Not because I don't want to, but because I'm too lazy to blog it.

I always wanted to travel a lot more than I travel now. But, being a full-time engineer, time and money will always be the restriction for me. And I always wondered why are we putting so much time and effort to do something that is so stressful (like work) and not having the satisfaction at the end of the day. So now I revised my dream from becoming a professional engineer to become a full time traveller.

To become a full time traveller, I have to quit my current job. But, to do so I have to have enough fund to support all the expanses during my journey and also enough fund to pay my credit cards bills, housing loan, car loan, etc.

Therefore, I plan something to achieve my dream and really hope that it can be achieved within 5-6 years time. For time being, I just want to share my valuable experience so that everyone can use it as a reference and everyone can be inspired by my travelogue (including me!) :p

Pictures taken at Wander Cafe

Please pray for me. I really hope that I can achieve the dreams; to become a full time traveller. Because for the first time in my life, I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. :p

Till then.

Aimi Zubir

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